Abacus Level 1: How to do Counting With Abacus Tool ?

level 1

Abacus remains a valuable skill in today’s fast-paced times.Abacus remains a subject of fascination especially for children, and why not as it enhances mathematical abilities, concentration and cognitive development.Further in this article in the free course of Abacus we will discuss all the levels of Abacus and learn all the techniques of the lesson according … Read more

Abacus Small Friends (+) : How To Do Abacus Small Friends Addition Formula

abacus small friends

Abacus Small Friends Addition Formula: Small Friend is an important technique to learn Abacus.But the new people who have just started learning about Abacus get confused after reading the names of the techniques of Abacus (Abacus Small Friends Addition , Abacus Small Friend Negative, Abacus Big Friend Addition, Abacus Big Friend Subtraction, Abacus Combination Addition … Read more

Abacus Small Friend (-) : How To Learn Abacus Small Friend Subtraction Formula

Abacus small Frind

Abacus Small Friend Subtraction Formula: Abacus Small Friend is the second most important technique for learning Abacus.In the earlier lesson we read about small friend positive. In which we saw and learned all the formulas of Abacus Small Friend. And also practiced on Abacus Small Friend Practice.Now our lesson is 2 Abacus Small Friend Negative … Read more

Abacus level 1: How to Do the Big Friend Addition formula?

Big Friend addition

Abacus Big Friend Addition Formula: Today welcome to the interesting part of Big Friend Addition Formula of Abacus Level 1.If you have ever thought about doing mental calculations then you have come to the right place.In this Big Friend Addition Formula of Abacus Levels blog, we will take you deep into Abacus Level 1 and … Read more

Abacus Level 1: Learn Abacus Big Friend Subtraction Formula

Abacus Big Friend

Are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey into the world of mathematics?Abacus Level 1 provides an incredible opportunity to explore the 9 techniques of big friendly subtraction numbers.In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take an in-depth look at this topic, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to master the art of working with … Read more

How To Expert in The Abacus Combination Formula Addition

Abacus Combination Formula Addition

Abacus Combination Formula Addition/Tricks: Till now in Abacus we have learned Small Friend Formula and Big Friend Formula and now the next lesson of our Abacus Course Level 1 is Abacus Combination Formula Addition, we also call Mix Friend Formula. The combination formula is called mixed friend formula because the combination formula is made up … Read more

Abacua Level 1 : Now We Learn Abacus Combination Formula Subtraction

Abacus Combination Formula Subtraction

Abacus Combination Formula Subtraction is the last part of level 1 of our abacus.Till now we have covered 5 chapters of Abacus like small friend addition, small friend subtraction, big friend addition, big friend subtraction, combination addition. Today is our Abacus combination subtraction formula/trick. This formula is also a little difficult and it is difficult … Read more

Abacus Level 2 : Make Your Child Faster Than A Calculator Easily [ Part 1 ]

abacus level 2

Today we will start Abacus Level 2. If you do not have any knowledge about Abacus Level 2 then read our lesson completely.What is level 2 in abacus?In Abacus Level 2, we learn 2 digit sums and also 1 digit 5 row, 1 digit 6 row, with finger abacus and we will learn all this … Read more

How To Learn Abacus Level 2 Worksheet Free Online【Part 2】

Abacus Level 2 Worksheet

Now we are starting with Abacus Level 2 Worksheet [Part 2],In Part 2 of Abacus Level 2 we will cover 2 digit sumsWhich will be a little tougher than the sums of Part 1.In Part 1, we practiced working with the tool with the right hand and left hand.And now we will practice Abacus Level … Read more